Big Data Introduction
Azure Data Factory Introduction
Important Concepts inĀ Azure Data Factory
Create Azure Free Account For Azure Data Factory
Integration Runtime In Azure Data Factory _ Azure IR _ Self-Hosted IR
Create Your First Azure Data Factory
Create Your First Pipeline in Azure Data Factory
Copy Multiple Files from Blob to Blob in Azure Data Factory
Filter Activity in Azure Data Factory _ Dynamic Copy in Azure Data Factory
Get File Names From Folder Dynamically in Azure Data Factory _ JSON to CSV
Copy Activity Behavior in Azure Data Factory
Copy Activity Performance Tuning In Azure Data Factory
Get Count Of Files From Folder in Azure Data Factory
Validate Copied Data Between Source and Sink in Azure Data Factory
Azure SQL Databases Introduction Relational Databases in Azure
Creating Your First Azure SQL Database Deployment Models Purchasing Models
Overwrite And Append Modes In Copy Activity in Azure Data Factory
Copy Data from Azure SQL Database to BLOB in Azure Data Factory
Copy multiple tables in Bulk with Lookup _ ForEach in Azure data Factory
Log Pipeline Executions to SQL Table using Azure Data Factory
Custom Email Notifications Send Error Notification using Logic Apps
Use Foreach Loop Activity To Copy Multiple Tables ā Step By Step Explanation
Incremental Load Or Delta Load From SQL To Blob Storage In Azure Data Factory
Multi-Table Incremental Load or Delta Load from SQL To Blob Storage in ADF
Incrementally Copy New and Changed Files Based on Last Modified Date in ADF
Azure Key Vault, Secure Secrets, Keys Certificates in Azure Data Factory
Event-Based Trigger in Azure Data Factory Triggers in Azure Data Factory
Tumbling Window Trigger Dependency Parameters in Azure Data Factory
Schedule Trigger in Azure Data Factory Triggers in Azure Data Factory
Copying on Premises Data Using Azure Self Hosted Integration Runtime
Load Data From on Premise SQL Server to Azure SQL DB in Azure Data Factory
Copy Data From Premise to Azure SQL DW with Polybase _ with Bulk Insert
Copy Data From on ā Premise File System 2 ADLS Gen2 Install Self Hosted IR
Loop Through REST API Ā Copy Data to ADLS Gen2 Linked Service Parameters
Copying Data From Salesforce to ADLS Gen2 Using ForEach & Copy In ADF V2
Migrate AWS S3 Buckets to ADLS Gen2 Using ADF (V2) Copy Data AWS to Azure
Switch Activity in Azure Data Factory _ Copy, Move, and Delete Data in ADLS
Until Activity in Azure Data Factory _ Parameters _ Variables in ADF
Copy Recent File from Blob Input Folder to Blob Output Folder without LPV
Copy Data from Azure Snowflake to ADLS Gen2& ADLS Gen2 to Snowflake in ADF
Copy Data from Azure SQLDB to CosmosDB _ Copy Data from Blob to CosmosDB
Nested ForEach in ADF Pass Parameters From Master to Child Pipeline
High Availability of Self Hosted IR & Sharing Self ā Hosted IR with other ADF
Azure Data Flows Introduction Setup Integration Runtime for Data Flows
Azure Data Flows Basics of SQL Joins for Azure Data Flows
Aggregations and Derived Column Transformation
Joins in Azure DataFlows
Advanced Join Transformations with Filter Transformations and Conditional Split
Restart Data Processing From Failure
Remove Duplicate Rows Store Summary Credit Stats Azure Data Flows
Difference between Join vs. Lookup Transformation & Merge Functionality
Slowly Changing Dimension Type1 (SCD1) with Hash key Function
Slowly Changing Dimension Type1 (SCD1) with SurrogateKey Transformation
Slowly Changing Dimension Type2 (SCD2)
Flatten Transformation and Rank, Dense _ Rank Transformations in Data Flows
Data Flows Performance Metrics and Data Flow Parameters
How to Use Pivot and Unpivot Transformations
Data Quality Checks and Logging Using Data Flows
Python Introduction, Identifiers, and Keywords
Python Basics and Data Types
Python Functions, Arguments, and Lambda Functions
Python Modules and Packages
Spark Architecture and Spark SQL
Spark SQL ā Create DataFrame from Different Files and Basics
Databricks Integration with Blob Storage, Azure Data Lake Gen1, and Azure Data Lake Gen2
Databricks Integration with Azure SQLDB and Azure SQL DW
Spark SQL Joins and Functions
Azure HDInsight with Spark Cluster
Azure Data Factory Integration with Azure DataBricks
Azure Data Lake Analytics integration with Azure Data Factory
Azure Data Factory project-1
Azure Data Factory V2 project-2
Azure Machine Learning Studio
Azure Data Factory cicd Pipeline
BI Master Program Interview Question and Answers
azure functions integrations with azure data factory.