


Mule ESB introduction

Problems of Point to Integration

What is an ESB

How an ESB helps in solving problems with P2P Integration

Idea behind an ESB. how it works

What is Orchestration

What is Mule

What is Any-point Platform for Mule

Mule Basics

What is a Mule Flow? What is Event Processor

How a Mule Event does looks like?

What is a Transformer, Endpoint?

Introduction to Any-point Studio

Describe the structure of new Mule 4 projects and deploy-able archives

Debugging a mule flow

Structure of a Mule-Event in detail

Introduction to Data-Weave 2 as Mule Expression Language


Java module

Understanding modules in Mule

call static and static Java methods using the new Java module

Lab: Using Java Module

Standalone Mule Server and Runtime Manager

Starting Stand alone mule server

Understanding various configurations in Standalone server

Deploying applications manually to Standalone server

Registering a standalone server in Any-point Run-time Manager

Deploying Application to standalone server using Run-time Manager

Consuming Webservices- REST & SOAP

consuming a Restful Web-service

Passing arguments to Restful Web-service

LAB: consuming Restful Web-service

LAB: Consuming SOAP Web-services Using Web-service consumer

File Endpoint

Configuring file connecting

Trigger a flow when a new file is added to a directory

Writing a file to file system

LAB: Reading and writing files

Database Endpoint and externalization of properties

Configuring Database Connector

Configure the Database Select operation

Externalizing configuration to YAML file

Migrating between environments

Add secure properties to Mule4 applications

Lab: Database Endpoint

Lab: Externalization

Water-Marking and Object Stores

Trigger a flow a new record is added to a file and use automatic Watermarking

What are Object Stores?


Understanding about Mule Domains

Sharing Global configuration across multiple projects using domains

Create Mule 4 domains using maven coordinates and use them to inherit all dependencies

Lab: Creating and using Mule domains

Routing concepts

scatter-gather router

Choice Router

Lab: Implementation Scatter-Gather router

Transformers -1

Introduction to Data Weave data transformation Language

Writing Data-Weave expressions

Adding Sample data to view

Previewing Transformations in studio

Externalization Data weave expression into DWL file

LAB: First Data-Weave Transformation

Writing Expressions for XML , JSON and JAVA

Writing Expressions for Transforming XML to JSON and vice-versa

Using Message Variables in DWL

Properties in Transform Message transformer

LAB: Transformations for JSON, XML and Java


Transforming complex data structure using DWL

Working with collections in DWL using map operator

Using $

LAB: Transforming Complex Data-Structure

Using Various Data-Structure using DWL

Custom Data-Types in DWL

Formatting in DWL

Conditional Logic Operators in DWL

LAB: Data-Weave Operation Usage
LAB: Using Data-Weave in combination with data component, Web-service consumer, and Http endpoint

Handling Errors

What  happens when exception happens in a flow?

How to handle System Exceptions??

Difference between Mule 4 onErrorcontinue and OnErrorPropagate Scopes

handling Errors at application level

Handle Specific types of errors

handle errors at the flow level

Handle errors at the processor level using try scope

Map an error to a custom error type

Lab: Handling errors


Testing of mule flows using MUNIT

Generating MUNIT flows from existing flows

Writing various assets, behaviors and validations

Lab; Writing a sample test case using MUNIT

API-Led connectivity

Understanding about different layers

Experience layer, Process layer, system layer

Designing APIs

use API Designer to define an API with RAML

Use the mocking service to test an API

Add request and response details

Add an API to Anypoint Exchange and share an API

Lab: Designing a RAML using API designer on Any point platform


Deploy an application to CloudHub

Create and deploy an API proxy

Restrict API access with policies and SLAs

Request and grant access to a managed API

Add Clint ID enforcement to an API specification

Lab: Deploying a proxy and managing policies using API manager

CloudHub deployment

Understanding how to deploy on cloud-Hub

What are changes to be done while deploying from on-premises to cloud.










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