SAP HANA Technology Overview
- SAP HANA Introduction
- Understanding the need of In Memory Technologies
- Understanding High performance Analytics
- In-Memory Computing
- Hardware-Innovations
- Software –Innovations
- HANA Columnar Store
- SAP HANA row store vs Columnar store
- Understanding Columnar Storage
- Finding SAP HANA Information Sources
SAP HANA Versions
- HANA 1.0 SPS03…..SPS12
- HANA 2.0 SPS00…SPS01
SAP HANA Editions
- Software Packaging
- SAP HANA Platform Edition
- Software components offered
- SAP HANA Enterprise Edition
- Software components offered
SAP HANA Deployment Scenarios
- HANA as Data Mart
- Non-Native HANA Applications
- Native HANA Applications
- HANA Accelerator
- HANA Big Data Solutions
- HANA Edition Applications
- Describing SAP HANA Road map and Scenarios
SAP HANA Architecture
- Simplified Architecture of SAP HANA
- SAP HANA Memory Management and Data Persistence
Preparing Installation
- Sizing of SAP HANA
- Sizing KPI’s (Memory, CPU, HDD, Network)
- Risks in Sizing
- Quick sizer
- Sizing Requirements and assumptions
- Experiencing HANA Appliance Models
- Cloud Options
Operating Systems
- Operating Systems Supported (SLES&RHEL)
- Linux Operating System Requirements
- File System Preparation
- Introduction SAP HANA Lifecycle Management Tools
- Install a Single-Host SAP HANA System
- Advanced installation options
Post Installation
- Post-Installation Steps
- SAP HANA Studio installation
- SAP HANA Client Installation
Admin Tools for SAP HANA
- Outlining Administration Tools
- SAP HANA Studio and SAP HANA Cockpit
- Connect to the SAP HANA Database Using SAP HANA Studio
- DBA Cockpit
- HDBSQL Command Line Tool
Database Administration Tasks
- Starting and Stopping SAP HANA
- Use Different Methods to Start and Stop the SAP HANA Database
- HANA database services and their significance
- Understanding Service Instances
- Understanding the Run level parameter
- Configuring the SAP HANA Database
- Change SAP HANA Configuration Parameters
Backup and Recovery
- Concept of Backup and Recovery
- Need of Backup
- Data Area Backup
- Understanding Backup Destinations
- Understanding BACKINT
- Performing Data backup using HANA Studio, Sql Commands, DBA
- Cockpit, HANA Cockpit
- Scheduling backups using DBA Cockpit, HANA Cockpit, Backup script
- Log Area Backup
- Understanding the concept of Log area backup
- Handling LOG FULL situations
- Additional Backup Topics
- Taking backup of Configuration Files
- Performing Storage SNAPSHOT backup
- Performing Database recovery
- Recovery options
- Resuming Recovery
- Recovery using Storage SNAPSHOT
- Database Copy / Database refresh
- Recovery Using HANA Cockpit 2.0
- Security Overview
- Understanding levels of security
- Understanding security in different scenarios
- Authentication and Authorisation
- Encryption
- Auditing and audit policy
Maintaining Users and Authorisation
- User Management
- Creating users using HANA Studio and Web IDE
- Types of Privileges
- Working with Analytic privileges
- Roles
- Creating runtime Roles
- Creating Repository Roles using Web IDE
- Administrative Tasks
- Information Sources for Administrators
HANA Application Life Cycle Management
- Concept of HANA Development
- Understanding Catalog and Content objects
- Transporting using Export and Import
- Concept of Deliver Unit
- Transport using Native HANA Transport
- Setting up Transportation landscape
- Working with Change List (Create, Approve, Release, Import)
- Configuring Transport Routes
- Understanding the Import logs
- Concept of CTS in SAP HANA
Multi tenant Database Containers
- Architecture and Technology
- Comparing Deployment options
- Installing MDC
- Creating and Configuring Tenant Databases
- Administration of Multi tenant Database Containers
- Backup and Recovery of Multi tenant Database Containers
- Convert a Single container to a multi tenant System
Updating SAP HANA
- Updating SAP HANA
- Using HDBLCM in Media
- Using Resident HDBLCM
- Using Platform Life Cycle Management
- Revision strategy of SAP HANA
- Data Centre Service Points
- Zero down time Maintenance
High Availability and Disaster Tolerance
- Need of Scalability
- SAP HANA Scale up and Scale Out
- Post scale out activities
- Understanding Distributed database
- High availability concept
- Disaster Recovery
- Configuring system replication
Database Operations
- SAP HANA Table Administration
- Periodic Tasks
- Housekeeping activities
- De-fragmentation and Delta Merge
- SQL Console
SAP HANA Migrations
- Concept of Migration
- Sizing approach in Migration Projects
- Migration paths
- Migration procedure by using DMO
- Information source for Migration
Monitoring and Trouble shooting
- Memory Monitoring
- Understanding the Processing
- Analyzing Queries
- Working with Plan Visualiser
- Load Monitoring
- Alert Configuration
- Configuring Traces
- Working with Diagnosis Information and Diagnosis Files
- Trouble shooting unresponsive system
Monitor and Administration of SAP HANA using SAP HANA Cockpit 2.0
- Installing SAP HANA Cockpit 2.0
- Working with Cockpit Manager
- Creating Resource Groups and adding Resources
- Monitoring activities using Cockpit 2.0
- Understanding new features of Cockpit 2.0
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